“The problem is that when a man’s testosterone gets low they lose their incentive to go to t
he gym.” ”Even if they want to, they dread going to the gym and exercising and it’s a losing battle. Especially abdominal fat around their belly. They spiral out of control.
He adds: “When I get their testosterone up to a healthy level, it changes everything. They get re-energised, they start seeing body fat disappear and muscle growing.”
Dr Jeffry Lifeに言わせれば、専門家達は保守的過ぎる。テストステロン値が健康水準幅のボトムの値だったとしても、あなたはノーマルだとしか言ってくれない、とのこと。
Testosterone is fantastic,” says Dr Christian Pike, a neurobiologist at the University of Southern California, who specialises in the brain and Alzheimer’s disease.”It increases aspects of cognition, it protects the brain from dying, it reduces Alzheimer’s disease, I mean, it’s wonderful,” he says.But Dr Pike has reservations about the recent trend towards an increased use of sex hormones to reverse the effects of ageing. He says further long-term research is needed to fully understand the way testosterone affects the body.
ザザンカリフォルニア大学の神経生物学者のDr Christian Pikeによれば、テストステロンは認知を強化し、脳を死滅から守り、アルツハイマーを減少させて素晴らしい。ただし、テストステロンが最近アンチエイジングのために沢山使われるようになっていることには懸念がある。テストステロンの影響を完全に理解するにはもっと長期の研究が必要
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